Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chasing the Goddess

Evil Rahwana approaches Sita, disguised as an old man

When you think you've seen it all...

We've been to Bali 10 or so times, and we've seen 50 or more dance shows there. We never expect to be surprised, but then we see something new.

The surprise can be as simple as a different mask, new props, or an alternative approach to Hanuman (the monkey god). Last night, we saw all three of those in an excellent performance of the Hindu epic, the Ramayana.

We also saw this beautiful woman play Sita (Rama's wife). Now, all Balinese dancers are stunning. The Balinese have perfected the art of make-up, such that every dancer becomes an embodiment of the Balinese ideal of beauty.

But this woman was extraordinary. Every expression, every gesture, every movement was pure femininity. When you witness this flawlessness - like a goddess (or a Balinese Angelina Jolie!) - it is hypnotic and a little intimidating.

Fortunately, my camera wasn't intimidated...