Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunset Survivor

A Vermont Sunset (1992)

As we've traveled around the world, Angie and I constantly hear that "this place has the best sunsets in the world".
We've heard it for Hawaii (green flash, anyone?), Bali, Thailand, Baja Mexico, and many other places.

Don't get me wrong, they've all been great.
Not only are the sunsets great, but the sunset culture is great.

What do I mean?
I'm talking about places where people stop everything to watch the sun sink. I'm talking about places where silence falls with the light. I'm talking about places where people actually applaud the dance of color on clouds.
That's what I'm talking about.

Still, I'm going to put in a pitch for Vermont.
Yeah, that Vermont...

We lived in South Hero, on Grand Isle, for a year. It's a small island in Lake Champlain. We could watch the sun rise over the Green Mountains and then set over the Adirondacks.
You could say we were lucky.

The above photo was taken at the ferry terminal, on the west side of South Hero Island. In the year we lived there, about 30% of the nights looked like this. I have, literally, dozens of photos just like this one.

I appreciate all sunsets, but if there was a "Survivor" of sunsets, I'd lay my dollars on Vermont.
You could try to change my mind, though...